Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by Felix34 »

I'm rather curious as to what exactly Generation X and Y think of each other. To tell you the truth I've always felt close to X in a younger brother sort of a way, I appreciate their cynicism. I've been looking up some opinions online and I've come across A LOT of hatred for our generation. I try to attribute this to the fact that we're young and of course no one thinks we can handle anything, but seeing some comments from Generation X really made me cringe. ... -work.html

The article is ill researched and poorly written, but the comments below are what really caught my eye.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by Felix34 »

Check out this comment someone left in my youtube profile:

ericclaptonismygod31 (14 hours ago)
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Lazy Generation Y asshole!
Be careful of who you call a bigot. I did a 4 year study at uni. and have been living in Japan for the past 9 years.
Intolorant? Hardly! Try living abroad, cunt.

All I did was tell this person to stop being so judgmental and nasty to an entire generation of people.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by VinceP1974 »

Felix34 wrote:I'm rather curious as to what exactly Generation X and Y think of each other. To tell you the truth I've always felt close to X in a younger brother sort of a way, I appreciate their cynicism. I've been looking up some opinions online and I've come across A LOT of hatred for our generation. I try to attribute this to the fact that we're young and of course no one thinks we can handle anything, but seeing some comments from Generation X really made me cringe. ... -work.html

The article is ill researched and poorly written, but the comments below are what really caught my eye.
I was born in 74 my brother was born in 80. He and his little friends seem absolutely oblivious about the world. It's a cluelessness that I actually envy because being acutely aware that we're free-falling into an abyss is really making it difficult to decide in which funds to invest my 401(k)

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by Felix34 »

Vince-I understand that, but...that's only one person.

Did your brother ever have a college education? That he made use of?

I'm extremely curious about the world personally, I love geography, Philosophy, history, astronomy, biology, genetics, and the list goes on. My brother and cousin (Yers) are also extremely curious about those things as well and make a conscious effort to learn new things.

I'm actually going to school for film making and hopefully music composition one day, if I don't have to take out student loans. So I'm learning subjects and information that I'm not even required to learn about, why? Simply because I'm interested.

My cousin went to college as well and got accepted into Juilliard.(unfortunately too expensive for him and he ended up having to go to a state university.) You don't get accepted into that school by being a clueless schlub.

What do you mean when you say "ignorant?" Could it be that perhaps he has a different outlook on life than yourself? And doesn't think that he should have to slave away at a job he hates, under outdated management that shows him no respect? Does ignorance mean he doesn't realize that he has to "accept" the world as opposed to change it?

I personally don't want to deal with that world, I want to create a real world in which people aren't treated like they're just tools to gain productivity and money. You know the Boomers once said the same thing about your generation simply because you didn't want to accept their corrupt and evil way of the world. Who decided their way of the world was "the real world?" Oh yes the people that ran it at the time (Boomers), congrats you've just been screwed out of your one opportunity to try and leave a mark on the world. We should try to change it and better it, not just sit and accept the fact that HMOS literally run our life and that we have to bail out corporations. You still have an opportunity to make your mark if you work with our generation, but if you carry that attitude with you forever you're going to end up bitter and hateful. So pick your choice, discard us as morons, or consider our perspective and ideas.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by VinceP1974 »

Felix34 wrote: Vince-I understand that, but...that's only one person.

Did your brother ever have a college education? That he made use of?

I'm extremely curious about the world personally, I love geography, Philosophy, history, astronomy, biology, genetics, and the list goes on. My brother and cousin (Yers) are also extremely curious about those things as well and make a conscious effort to learn new things.
Oh my.. My brother isn't even aware of Area Codes beyond ours. No college on his part.

The thing is.. my father and his whole side of the family run a trucking company. So my brother and my cousins work for that. So life is basically one big entitlement to them.
Felix34 wrote: I'm actually going to school for film making and hopefully music composition one day, if I don't have to take out student loans. So I'm learning subjects and information that I'm not even required to learn about, why? Simply because I'm interested.

My cousin went to college as well and got accepted into Juilliard.(unfortunately too expensive for him and he ended up having to go to a state university.) You don't get accepted into that school by being a clueless schlub.

What do you mean when you say "ignorant?" Could it be that perhaps he has a different outlook on life than yourself? And doesn't think that he should have to slave away at a job he hates, under outdated management that shows him no respect? Does ignorance mean he doesn't realize that he has to "accept" the world as opposed to change it?
Oh i'm sure he hates his job... why do you think I don't work for my family?
Felix34 wrote: I personally don't want to deal with that world, I want to create a real world in which people aren't treated like they're just tools to gain productivity and money. You know the Boomers once said the same thing about your generation simply because you didn't want to accept their corrupt and evil way of the world. Who decided their way of the world was "the real world?" Oh yes the people that ran it at the time (Boomers), congrats you've just been screwed out of your one opportunity to try and leave a mark on the world. We should try to change it and better it, not just sit and accept the fact that HMOS literally run our life and that we have to bail out corporations. You still have an opportunity to make your mark if you work with our generation, but if you carry that attitude with you forever you're going to end up bitter and hateful. So pick your choice, discard us as morons, or consider our perspective and ideas.
oh my calm down

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by Felix34 »

I'm fairly calm behind the computer, I do get a bit ranty on this stuff though. I just hate the fact that our own parents stole and will continue to steal money from us in order to maintain their lifestyle, to the point where they've taken everything from us. I mean just watch congress debate on tv, they have no concept of reality when they speak about issues. it's all about 1. pleasing their demographic, 2. getting reelected, 3. Just standing by an issue. They have no concept of the fact that they have an effect on people, whether they act or not. Take this health care issue for example, why is there so much hostility from the middle-aged to older generations? Oddly enough there's not much from the younger, perhaps because it will cost their generation something. I believe that baby boomers were the generation that never learned how to truly sacrifice anything for their fellow man. (Growing up during a High) They graduated high school and got factory jobs or secretary jobs right after. (Perhaps they had a few struggles after losing a job, but in my experience they've never been out of work for too long. They just ended up settling.) The idea of not having exactly what they want, the best insurance provided for them, bothers them to the point of destruction. Only they're not destroying themselves, it's everyone else around them , Xers, Yers, Zers, and in some cases the Silent Generation.

My parents have HD tvs with HBO in each, just spent 18000 dollars on a new driveway, but "I have to take out loans, struggle to get a job, and apply for grants and scholarships" to go to college...

What a selfish generation. It's not that I won't work for college, I would love to support myself as I hate being dependent on other people. The reality of the situation is that the economy is horrible and the only people who have money right now are Boomers.

I can tell you right now that I'm so disgusted by their gluttonous attitude that I literally refuse to do anything indulgent. I think at first are generation was heavily indulged, but we just got sick of it. My brother says the same thing, that he's sick of all the unnecessary extravagant things we have. (I didn't always grow up getting spoiled, in fact I'd argue that my generation wasn't spoiled with things at all. Most of my friends grew up in apartments, condos, single family households, or with grandparents. Perhaps that's why the Boomers newfound gluttonous attitude disgusts us.)

I'm sorry about your brother btw, I hope he ends up doing something with his life as I think he'll regret not doing anything. Isn't there anything he's interested in? Perhaps you should have a discussion with him and try to find out if there's an old hobby or subject that he once loved.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by CrosstimbersOkie »

I'm an old Gen-Xer born in 1963. I am very pleased with the Millennials I have the pleasure to work with. They look for the positive, seek to work together within an organization rather than to fragment it and tear it and each other down. They sense that there time is coming--sense that they have a generational destiny the way my generation never did. Hell, I never even thought of myself as belonging to a generation until I discovered Strauss & Howe. I was just trying to survive.

However, I am slightly irritated by Millennials' tendency to be overly compliant. To forget or not care about the why behind all of the negativity and disintegration in the culture and workplace. These things have causes which Strauss & Howe taught us about. As individuals they aren't as tough as my generation. They aren't as rebellious when rebellion is called for. They aren't the ones to stand up and declare "Bullshit" and stop it while everyone else is marching in lock-step.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by dearprudence66 »

Felix34 wrote:I'm rather curious as to what exactly Generation X and Y think of each other... but seeing some comments from Generation X really made me cringe. ... -work.html

The article is ill researched and poorly written, but the comments below are what really caught my eye.
Once, many many moons ago, I yelled back at my father for yelling at me for being immature. "Quit demanding I be 35 when I'm 14". That shut him up in a hurry.

Remember: This world will never exhaust it's supply of Archie Bunkers or village idiots. Try not to elect them to represent you.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by dearprudence66 »

VinceP1974 wrote: I was born in 74 my brother was born in 80. He and his little friends seem absolutely oblivious about the world. It's a cluelessness that I actually envy because being acutely aware that we're free-falling into an abyss is really making it difficult to decide in which funds to invest my 401(k)
"We" are in trouble alright. You're correct to worry. You're incorrect that you're acutely aware. My advice to the younger generations y and z... pay close attention to what you actually need and not what you want. Live frugally, but poor nutrition is no bargain. You're so much better off acquiring small business skills (baseline skills applicable to any field) than incurring huge student loan debt for specialized training and fishing for a steady employer in sour markets. Make your own jobs (even if you have one already) before the ethical standards get driven into 3rd world. Specialize later. Diversify & stay limber today. 401k-- see what most closely resembles vanguard index 500 fund. They concentrated on value, not on flash in the pan.

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Re: Does Generation X hate Y? Or is it just me?

Post by james103 »

I'm rather curious as to what exactly Generation X and Y think of each other. To tell you the truth I've always felt close to X in a younger brother sort of a way, I appreciate their cynicism. I've been looking up some opinions online and I've come across A LOT of hatred for our generation.

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