Financial topics

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
Reality Check
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Re: Financial topics

Post by Reality Check »

aedens wrote:... Obama ... is no Chamberlain ...
Every individual is unique, but Obama is like both Chamberlain and Lenin, in that he is trying to disengage from the world and focus on internal conflict within his own country.

Obama did not move to the middle before the election, instead he doubled down on statism. Obama is destroying the old structures of power, constitution limits and federalism in the United States, and replacing them with new instruments of state power centralized in the District of Columbia.

External distractions and the cost ( and perhaps even the very existence ) of effective U.S. Military Power are both threats to that change.

Obama is one election and one financial collapse, away from achieving that.

Obama is like Chamberlain and Lenin in that he does not really care about what kind of change is occurring overseas, he is consumed with change within his own country.

Lenin is reported to have signed an agreement with Germany ending World War I between Russia and Germany without even reading it.

Obama can use the money stripped from the Military in the future to continue funding the dependency on government he has created in the last four years. Obama is fighting a generational battle for hearts and minds within the United States. Obama wants generations of Americans convinced the District of Columbia can use state power to give them what they need so they can focus on what they want.

Obama will avoid war at any price to keep from draining that money away from achieving his goals of permanent change in the relationship between the American People and the government in the District of Columbia.

Reality Check
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Re: Financial topics

Post by Reality Check »

Economic collapse in places like Europe, Egypt and countries of the former Soviet Union was feared by many people in the United States before the election.

After the election Obama, and many others, might welcome such a collapse.

The follow on financial collapse in the United States could be blamed on Europe, the International Bankers, and the Republicans who protect bankers in the Congress.

Obama could issue executive orders and take over the banks, using the already passed Dodd-Frank law which allows such actions when the banks are "determined" to be "insolvent" by the Obama administration.

Obama could achieve the political victories in 2014 he needs to put into effect using laws passed by Congress what he could not make permanent with just executive orders.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by aedens »

Every individual is unique
"since all socialist are autocratic dictates." As I conveyed which you appeared to miss, we will see when push comes to shove what he will do.
All I hear in the press is more regulation is needed, and fiscal retards who cannot balance a check book and they promise over ten years to fix it.
The dialog is pundits saying the majority needs to tell them what to do. They will not be happy until the boot is on there throat since the majority has a solution for the last forty years, priceless. These idiots and statist macroparasites will never understand Liberty. They are educated as we noted correctly
that one might ask the question, "Aren't American socialists in favor of their own country's survival?" To answer this question, we must turn to abnormal psychology. Socialism... is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build; it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created. Socialism p. 414 Mises
Mr. Obama will make that choice to follow the Letter or not. Then we know. They hire idiots, for the majority who are idiots, so yes you may be correct in
the final count. It is legal to butcher over a million in three years of children and if they survive another 325 weeks they bitch about lunatics with weapons. Priceless to say the least. The Pope was right decades ago they are a death cult of worshippers. They Elders got one thing right from the Book about the seal in the forehead.

So, as H notes in a regional context when this hit bottom it is going to be one hell of a splat. Still hinges on Egypt and the other window noted.
On the cycle notation from H: Wall cycle #8 has rallied nicely in price, time and sentiment into the expected topping window. The ideal target high off the December 18 high is January 22." I'm still holding 100% short. This is more evidence of a strong consensus that "we are almost there, but not quite yet" and we know consensus is never right in markets, so it either has passed or is coming later.
Context notes Tue Apr 28, 2009 : I read some Right Wing verbiage on obama's so called junket. I think they may remember Hadrian as seen from Aelius Spartianus POV. "Those men whom he saw to be poor and innocent he enriched of his own accord, but those who had become rich through sharp practice he actually regarded with hatred." For the Independant minded to date - remember what is important. Even three of them cannot put a dent in things. Watching the watchers, watch...
Last edited by aedens on Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:04 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by OLD1953 »

If we quit creating money and we don't spend more than we save, then we have to quit running a negative trade balance. While I'd prefer we did those things, it's not something that can be done rapidly, because it would create a massive world wide depression. Unwinding this mess is going to take time. But it's better this year than it was last year or the year before.

Cutting the retail goods market by 1/6 or more overnight would be just as bad as a complete monetary collapse, perhaps worse. Which is why I was posting those links to the macro economic identities, you can't pay for things with nothing, and if you aren't trading as much as you buy, then you spend savings or create money. ... e-of-trade

While I don't like this mess, it took a decade to create it, and it'll take that long to climb down off this monster, without simply falling to the bottom. Honestly, I never expected the world to manage to navigate past this much of it without falling to pieces, there were simply too many ways for it to crash totally. But we've got multiple years of depressed economy ahead, because all that stimulus that led up to this point has to be paid back by depressing the economy as this is unwound. Unless it does collapse, in which case it all unwinds at once.

But being blind to improvement is no better than being blind to the problems. And it has improved markedly. Which is damned astonishing.

(Note: that does NOT mean I think the stock market should rise. I think its generally overpriced and a shift in sentiment will drive the markets to the bottom because there's no reality under the prices.)

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Re: Financial topics

Post by aedens »

They will never climb down off the monster. That is the point. So we allow it go enlarge to promise in 520 weeks things are all better.
So it goes until, and to allow total and unrenlenting debauchery for the third generations of the two already they claimed from avarice.
Yea, sounds like a promise they will keep. The taxpayers sent the message they are retards and fix it now on the fraud they gamed.
They told us to fuck off point blank to save there asses not ours. Now we are stuck with the double it down on the same desease.
Bullshit since the message would of been plain and brutal and we would of moved on already. They knew this was going to be and
it was no accident but pure intent. We have noted this effect and why it was done and how. I hope the taxpayers get what and all they deserve.
Last edited by aedens on Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:05 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by Trevor »

I have to admit, I expected the collapse to begin sometime last year. If anything, though, the economy seems to be picking up slightly, although the growth rate is still quite slow. The issue we still can't seem to resolve, however, is the debt and lately I've been noticing the interest rate of our bond yields begin to pick up.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by aedens »

Trevor wrote:I have to admit, I expected the collapse to begin sometime last year. If anything, though, the economy seems to be picking up slightly, although the growth rate is still quite slow. The issue we still can't seem to resolve, however, is the debt and lately I've been noticing the interest rate of our bond yields begin to pick up.
We are plugging along to fullfill contracts. Have these people learned a damn thing? NO
Greed is one thing avarice is another deeper sickness. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask, what is it in itself?

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Re: Financial topics

Post by Trevor »

Yeah, our skyrocketing national debt would seem to indicate that. Our economy is growing at a slow pace and it looks like China's economic growth is picking up slightly as well. Problem is, the growth doesn't seem very stable and I don't think it would take much to send the house of cards crashing. Spain and Italy are still falling, and from the looks of it, France may end up joining them soon.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by aedens »

No the monster is created and truly they care less. Both sides are the problem and it started decades ago as forumed when and why. They know the
percentage of taxpayers are to brain dead to factor in anyway. I heard the facts and data on the per capita crime number. The Hill is not making any sense on talking points. I ran across some facts today also on the first gun program in America. These people want the Letter annialated and the plantation nation nailed down. You are a tax unit and to be allocated only or we will break you until you concede. When the liberals wake we will be there with the letter and only then. Yes there are bad guys so for now we get it clearly. Meanwhile the normal folks watch these ongoing with the notion we are surrounded.
Last edited by aedens on Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial topics

Post by OLD1953 »

That was kind of my point, since things have to balance between countries, we can't do it all at once. We cannot have negative trade balances without increasing debt somewhere. Given that baby boomers have had a huge scare and are scrambling to save money for retirement suddenly, that the new entries to the workplace are filled up with education debts and can't borrow a dime, and that states can't run deficits over any long period, then the debt has to come from the Federal side.

To balance the budget in a hurry would be the logical equivalent of the Smoot Hawley act. There is no way around this. Moreover, given that the overall numbers indicate actual savings going on, then we've actually got to run a trade surplus equal to those savings, or a government deficit equal to those savings. Accounts have to balance on the grand scale, otherwise you are claiming that somehow, somewhere we got something for nothing at all.

Can they keep walking that tightrope? I honestly don't know. I thought it was done for some time back, and they managed to surprise me. Given the trends, they could actually do it, IFF those external matters I referenced before don't bring it down. Two years ago I thought it was impossible to get to this point where you actually see numerical improvement in many sectors. So I can't realistically bet that this won't continue, again if the external matters hold up.

Of course, the fast track to balancing trade is flat out war with China. And that may very well be where we are headed. Will we take an active role in a war between China and Japan? Or will we take the more passive "support" stance? Crystal ball isn't saying. (War with China means no Apple products, no new computers, no new cell phones, empty WalMarts, and likely bankruptcy for WalMart and other retailers, etc., for an extended period, at least two years but more likely the duration of the war plus a few years, depending on war production goals.)

This is interesting, who's making money, who isn't.

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