Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

physical and paper markets remain decoupled t
3.9 mil left coast evictions

Jefferies Trolls "Lightweight" Zero Hedge For Being Negative, Unveils Major Restructuring Hours Later.
Best of 2016.

History shows us how money dies. Yes, it can happen here. Only a fool thinks otherwise...

SPR releases end in 7 weeks.

also... send someone to jail for this: ... ty-us-jury

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden » ... x_tr_hl=en
https://www-huffingtonpost-gr.translate ... x_tr_hl=en ... sh-family/ ... an_buy.pdf You will be at the Bema seat.
They will not. ... filtration ... er-project

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.

The deaf mute blindmen — to quote from Lenin — are those multinational businessmen
who see no further than the bottom line of the current contract. Unfortunately, these
internationalist operators have disproportionate influence in Washington. Consequently,
arguments based on the flimsiest of evidence and the most absurd logic that fly in the face
of all we know about the Soviets are able not only to be heard in Washington, but even form
the basis of our policy.
An inevitable conclusion from the evidence in this book is that we have totally ignored a
policy that would enable us to neutralize Soviet global ambitions while simultaneously
reducing the defense budget and the tax load on American citizens. Whether we like it or
not, technology is a political tool in today's world. And if we want to survive in the face of
Soviet ambitions, we will have to use this weapon sooner or later. At the moment the
combined efforts of the deaf mute blindmen have been successful. Only an informed,
aroused electorate has sufficient potential power to counter their suicidal ambitions.
Antony C. Sutton, California, January 1986.

The only people who believe, are paid to. The rest have already been labeled idiots.

thread: Unit 78020

Yes we know 78020

Staff with Unit 78020’s propaganda office declined requests for an interview.

Fortunately, we have allowed the mass murderers to conduct the investigation, decide who to blame,
and pay themselves a King's Ransom while we just send money. tyler

Posts: 12626
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

God save England because She was the last adult on the Island.

As for the fund the problem and the solution it will be mandated until the owner of the Garden says no.
Pity the taxpayer since they do care less.

Posts: 12626
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Metal production is down 50% in 3 months. Brussels is assured to be finished.
The Ameritards leftists filed more law suits to cripple and shut steel plants down also.
Absolute stone cold abject brain dead wef minded useful idiots.
You had been warned and will be lucky to have a mud hut and even door hinges.
Million's of you fools to be evicted and are.
Watching your children freeze and starve is a swamp uniparty demshevik fact now.
They will have have the technocratic future on your children's very lives.
One thing they called correct was you had the right to be stupid.

Reports are flowing in on all sides the Government doesn't want the war to end,
as a few people are making a shitload of money while others do the dying.

It's not so much about winning for them, it's about profits.

Yeah, isn't it funny how that cookie bitch is nowhere to be seen or heard these days?
They don't really care how many die from drug overdoses, violent crime open border slaughter etc..
as long as they can spend the taxpayers money on themselves and are.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

sanity speaks to lie cheat steal ... i-confess/

as for the outages

liberals are stupid

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare form of Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the glamour marxist closet.

Everyone with a brain following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels was aware of the main plot – yet hardly anyone among average EU citizens. Habeck, Chancellor “Liver Sausage” Scholz, the European Commission (EC) Green Energy VP Timmermans, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, they are all involved.In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.”That’s a practical translation of the UN Green Agenda 2030 – which happens to be metastasized into crypto Bond villain Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset – now renamed “Great Narrative”.

And it gets worse, when it comes to electricity. There is a so-called EU Electricity Market Reform in progress. According to it, producers of electricity – from solar or wind – automatically receive “the same price for their ‘renewable’ electricity they sell to the power companies for the grid as the highest cost, i.e. natural gas.” No wonder the cost of electricity in Germany for 2022 increased by 860% – and rising.

Baerbock incessantly parrots that German energy independence cannot be secured until the country is “liberated from fossil fuels.”

According to Green fanaticism, to build the Green Agenda it’s imperative to completely eliminate gas, oil and nuclear power, which happen to be the only reliable energy sources as it stands.

And it’s here that we see the toxic trio Habeck/Baerbock/von der Leyen ready for their close up. They pose as saviors of Europe preaching that the only way out is to invest fortunes in – unreliable – wind and solar power: the “answer” from Providence to a gas price debacle manufactured by none other than Big Finance, Green fanaticism and Eurocrat “leadership”.

Now tell that to struggling pan-European households whose bills will surge to a whopping, collective $2 trillion as General Winter knocks on the door.

It was all manufactured to rape the European consumers and businesses using Russia as cover to pull this off.

You are here
thread: lightswitch Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:05 pm
thread: Unit 78020

Shall we discuss the IP traffic facts to what is now here also? ... 60&o=f&l=f

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which again saw a large outflow of 7.5 million barrels last week that brought the stockpile there to 442.5 million — its lowest since November 1984. The Biden administration has been drawing down the SPR since November last year to make up the shortfall in crude supply on the domestic market for fuels. Bouncing off support. Emptor indeed.

As we seen with the current Kuznet cycle they did it on purpose.

viewtopic.php?p=21154#p21154 as indicated the cycle was clear.

This interaction between social priorities and economic theory.

The file was 404 but we already knew and yes in file 2018 we see the response.

Abramovitz, Moses (2009). "Simon Kuznets 1901–1985".
The Journal of Economic History. 46: 241–246. doi:10.1017/S0022050700045642..
He had been called "one of the most important economists of the twentieth century"

The counter trend wave was correctly noted as pain by some adults is real.
Keynes was correct on the what they will attempt now.
Rogers said it better as baby's with a hammer. I convey red diapers went to red depends as radical half wits.
Mr. Harry Truman was correct on what was ignored.

We opened a small position in South Africa as metal raws and we do not consider the crayon chewers will not relent being actual idiots cubed.
Between Hayek and Keynes they draw from the pols of envy well.
Last edited by aeden on Fri Sep 09, 2022 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Odd thing is they started dealing with problems last July of 2021.
I was late by a few weeks to the effects seen coming as Hendry lamented.
We have no clue as the common people try to avoid the mid level maniacs as
agitprop thickens.

The current feeling of uncertainty and insecurity, and of long-established norms and paradigms collapsing,
cannot be better underlined than with the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday... tylers

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

As the value of the dollar falls, the dollar-denominated prices of commodities rise.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true,… I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth”

The agency issue was seen for those with an eye. Captain Oatmeal dismal red theme just proves what they worship. Just another production
piece as the three spiritual locusts.
As we seen with the edict from the criminal class at Wells Fargo the Hookers who got the accounts booted there had more Class.

We have evil criminal degenerates lecturing us endlessly without any opposition heading to the Pit. They already are lost.

Some remember at the end of the election Trump was saying he was declassifying all the goods and would soon release them to the public but never did? Now you know why the perfidious albions are swarming. The first mistake was they are good people statement. If you get time see why Trumps Uncle cleared out al of Teslas documents when he passed.

A few weeks after Tesla died, his documents and belongings were examined by FBI agents and Donald Trump's own uncle, John G. Trump. John Trump lived his life as an accomplished M.I.T. Professor of Engineering, helping to design X-ray machines for cancer patients, as well as conducting radar research work for the army.

another DOJ memo issued on the same day reiterating a policy restricting communications with Congress could be an attempt to intimidate so-called whistleblowers within the FBI and DOJ.

“Ever since we told you that FBI whistleblowers had begun contacting Members of Congress to report on political pressure from high-ranking FBI officials to falsely label some investigations and run interference on others to serve a political agenda, Attorney General Merrick Garland has been very busy trying to shut them down, and anyone else who might expose what’s going on,” noted the American Center for Law and Justice, run by former Trump attorney Jay Sekulow.

Ma and Pa know over 53 know they are not concerned with our views on border and the swamp lunatics.
Lerner proved that past all reasonable doubt as the mop up fools look just as they are.

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