Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

over 2000 stocks and a super bear.

K ... src=A00220

vix look mid channel
dxy the obvious
oil ranged for now
reit we will parse l8ter as in like snows thawed
march of the penguins
pain was ignored and openly mocked
Last edited by aeden on Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 12627
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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden » ... orts-trend
trend ... certainty/

It will implode as designed to exert control since you thought Uniparty moleks would even listen.

Miss Anthropy Karen will realize to late they had been correct first they came for them.

British Mob Ransacks Shop Before Stomping On A Teen's Face To Steal Her Phone! ... -her-phone

Mega cities are pentagon control choke point loops. Keep them in choke point when it bursts. One week no water its over.
Cannot be governed for resource extraction's. 5GW
Last edited by aeden on Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 12627
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »
73 tack and if you needed two phones.

M would say big da.
Consensus muppets are atypical even when confused since arrogance is not confidence. ... k=IB_FueGW

He’d spent most of his years prior to 2020 flogging “stakeholder capitalism”, his umbrella term for various schemes to disarm criticism of the globalist corporate borg and co-opt leftist opposition. Schwab succeeded in parlaying his simplistic ideas into an international conference circuit, known today as the World Economic Forum, where he could hobnob with corporate and political celebrities and burnish his Bond-villain reputation among political dissidents. But the pandemic had thrown Schwab off balance. For once his reprocessed nostrums about environmental, social and corporate governance issues were no longer in demand; virologists and epidemiologists and exponential growth curves filled the news instead. His powerful celebrity clients were suddenly listening to other people. Obscurity loomed. ... aus-schwab

I anticipate 2026 and resolve would place some keys back in some ignitions.
Stakeholder economy is not for you so consider it valid for you. Your new leader serfs.

I had written my Senator about finishing a abandoned link near completion struck down by the courts
for natural gas that would help the east coast over our basic problems.
Polite letter back but devoid of solution.

They have utterly lost their minds.
The politic of envy is the path to our destitute Peoples.
You had been warned what the politics of envy sows.
Sabotaging the economy to create artificial scarcity in service to their death cult.

Use as many phones you need over your lifetime. In the end choose which tree carefully you could be grafted into with actual consequences.

The acrimony view was seen and they considered facts to complete what was needed as we noted.
Even Keynes warned you.

The assembly will welcome over 300 (sociopathic) global experts and over 40 (sociopathic) specialised organisations discussing, exploring and shaping the future of metaverse."

The only way to win is NOT to play. Don't do business with any of these members or their organizations.
I know that's difficult these days, but nothing else will work. ... aus-schwab
All we did was avoid 270 a$$holes early. ... 3693676544 The tale of the two phones.

No winners just conflated views.

Europe's Nightmare Scenario Comes True: Energy Bills To Rise By €2 Trillion. T

thread: lightswitch
Last edited by aeden on Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 12627
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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Tim Ryan in Ohio who is smart by the way did not want to be anywhere near it.
He's got 38% approval. It's falling.

He can always get a crowd. Lulz.
He's president of the United States. Via.
People want to see him, even people who don't like him, but some Union guy showed up.
Not any Union member with a pulse. Toxic zombie body farm like mook Demshevik talking points.


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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Market psychology is very gloomy – whether it’s for fundamental or seasonal reasons, people aren’t all that eager to buy the dip. ... 52f522c9d6

You might think the left coast is a melty mode as million are to be homeless Holmes as in 4 mill heading into 20 mill. Idiots.

As we noted you first as we will hold your beer.
Good luck pilgrim's.

1. The ideology and purpose of the propaganda campaign
2. The context in which the propaganda occurs
3. Identification of the propagandist
4. The structure of the propaganda organization
Much of the American right is hostile toward the press, but there’s not much research seeking to understand why, or what it means.
Funding from the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University.
5. The target audience
6. Media utilization techniques
7. Special techniques to maximize effect
8. Audience reaction to various techniques
9. Counter propaganda, if present
10. Effects and evaluation

note: After Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt intellectuals came to the United States.
Ironically, Adorno, the hater of popular culture, settled in Los Angeles. Marcuse ended up in NYC,
where the work of the Frankfurt School was continued on a formal basis at Columbia University.

Posts: 12627
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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

"My current view is that it will be necessary to move the fed funds rate up to somewhat above 4 percent by early next year and hold it there; I do not anticipate the Fed cutting the fed funds rate target next year," Mester said in prepared remarks to a local chamber of commerce in Dayton, Ohio.
Cleveland Federal Reserve.

To be clear we will watch the h.4.1 and h.8 as before with the ... day&ia=web

Good luck Dearie the demsheviks screwed you also with no kiss that you flatly ignored.

The SALT will finish off the true believers anyways.

Also noted Hoffman was seen being carted off in a straight jacket.

Cariboo trade was respected not adulterated as the cryptic laggers bitched about reality and flows of who ate there cheese.

Received a report of someone calling for help under the rubble. The initial search did not reveal evidence of anyone in the building. ... -year-high 15k hodlers

Saylor suicide watch starts today. MSTR is going to be forced to capitulate, which probably will mean bankruptcy. ... ?window=5Y
Net profit margin -870.22 yoy -264.40%
25 million tax bill chang chang meter rolling also.

m files -

You Have 3 weeks left.

2358 negative hours of media coverage, 1797 accusations, 678 Investigations; 443 subpoenas, 386 Committee meetings,
279 Senate hearings; 189 requests for tax returns, 3 impeachments and 1 FBI house raid. Turning up exactly jack fuc*ing sh!t.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

"The only difference between you and me, is that I believe they are doing this on purpose."

First the eu then japan then you.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

Of course, O'Neill wasn't talking about the recession. He was talking about Enron. And the system to which he referred is, mainly, the Bush Administration's system of getting off the hook for its involvement with Enron. The Secretary of the Treasury was blowing PR out the seat of his political pants. But truths are sometimes told thus. Rotting dot-coms are a good example—we don't want an economy in which stumbling businesses, intoxicated with bad ideas and blinded by the flash of MBA degrees, aren't permitted to fall down the manhole of Chapter 11.

The Communist bloc of old was a study in the failure of failure. Losers in the Soviet economy were the people at the end of the long lines for consumer goods. Worse losers were the people who had spent hours getting to the head of the line, only to be told that the goods were unavailable. In the Soviet Union no industry went under until they all did.

JUNE 2002 P. J. O'Rourke

The scent of the EU assails the senses. MMT the path to hell.

A teacher who makes a “well intentioned” statement that they are “colorblind” or who believes all men are equal “wouldn’t get hired,”

The infection will be as like the million dollar toothache. Crayon chewers are real and Bob Bish should of already knew better.

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Re: Financial Topics sans aeden

Post by aeden »

While they publicly condemn Russia for its actions in Ukraine and equally publicly assure their constituents that sanctions are working, European (and other) politicians make no mention of the continuing Russian oil purchases. ... ng-It.html ... nna-crash/ mom and pop crash dummies will once again get crushed by design
in the wasting. you are here lightswitch Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:05 pm

viewtopic.php?p=30130#p30130 review of v notes.

It was said there is some chance, that people will come to their senses.

No they want destruction as such pay attention. Lie cheat steal is the script.

You had been warned.
Last edited by aeden on Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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