A summary of John's forecasts and explanations

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Re: A summary of John's forecasts and explanations

Post by Boliniya »

Prediction about the currency? I think one can tell about the currency easily by just looking at the trends of the market and also by the fluctuation that takes place in the currency rates... Thank you!

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Re: A summary of John's forecasts and explanations

Post by aedens »

Nice summary's Vin.

Ben knows already what we know so lets say as a percentage
indicator I would take the other side of the coin he knew.
Aggregate reality and knowing when to tell it like it is as he did today IMO.
I would put me as a very thin MMT with a thick layer of
http://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Austrian_Bus ... cle_Theory
The issue my wife faced me with today was this in a round about way.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/5c528240-c3a7 ... abdc0.html
"Suddenly, traders started placing orders by telephone, rather than computer,
dealing only with people they knew personally. They were also refusing to take long-term decisions.
Sometimes there were entirely rational explanations for this shift, but mostly the reaction was instinctive

Mrs Hernadez Husband dies after 38 years of marriage.
Market rates do not provide enough cash flow for her medical needs.
When dicipline meets conviction before the said bubble imploded
to structual issues I have to find a risk model today to assit.
Mises said it best why would you trust any bank with your money in any age.
As my conviction is today with input from the forums as I may add
as is unique and thought provoking in this upcoming event that Capital will be
more expensive in the furure. This is meant as in a pool that survived.
This is why I am not convinced the upcoming Political super committee
has a snowball chance in hell to viable solutuions. Since we covered
already there GD attitudes and given there inherant purpose since as we know
it is to there survival only and directly linked groups. They have proven
without a shadow of doubt what taxpayers are for. Abuse. IMO

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