We Are In A "FOURTH TURNING," What Does That Mean?

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Tom Mazanec
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We Are In A "FOURTH TURNING," What Does That Mean?

Post by Tom Mazanec »

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Cool Breeze
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Re: We Are In A "FOURTH TURNING," What Does That Mean?

Post by Cool Breeze »

I saw this the other day too. Your title reminds me of Howe though. He was on an Ed Harrison realvision interview a month ago or so. He bloviates like all of these midgets (Ian Bremmer also comes to mind), reminds me of a guy with short man syndrome, and ends up just being a storyteller. [When John told me these guys were essentially wussy lefties I wasn't surprised] Why do I say that? The only prediction he can muster is "inflation." Oh great, Neil, you have this supposedly groundbreaking understanding and generational turning points are so clear, yet you can't even TRY to make a prediction, let alone be accurate. I find it bizarre, because at least one should make general predictions: why are they so afraid? Without a prediction, none of this means anything, it's just a fable. Anyone can look outside or watch the news, etc and see that weirdos, crazies, and institutions abound that can't be trusted. I give John a good amount of ribbing for the overall ideas surrounding predictions and probability, but one thing I cannot say is that he is afraid to come down on a hard, or unpleasant prediction if that's what he feels is the case. These guys can't even say "Maybe China this or maybe USA that".

This guy in your video also is fed the multicultural leftist garbage in his analysis: segregation and homos weren't at America's peak, haha, but he's gonna fix it. Doesn't anyone know, or haven't they figured out, that America post Eisenhower is a rebellious, spoiled, indifferent, Christianity disdain/self loathing people? They elected all buffoons from that point on, real degenerates and elitist family idiots, the whole way through.

Yeah, right, guy. You mean you're going to go build a playground so the 3rd worlders that aeden's Demsheviks let in can enjoy once the trace of american history and identity (christian european heritage) is a small minority, or gone. And it'll still be "America," right?

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Bob Butler
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Re: We Are In A "FOURTH TURNING," What Does That Mean?

Post by Bob Butler »

A crisis is a time where the greatest flaw in a culture is removed. This time around the flaws are the Republican refusal to solve problems and racism. In FDR’s time it was periodic depressions and expansionist dictators. In Lincoln’s time it was slavery and limiting expansion. In George Washington’s time it was kings and the limits of colonial imperialism.

Each time around there is a conservative faction that strives to maintain the status quo, but thus far in the history of America the problem is solved and the values it takes to solve them become American values.

I’ve been following the theory for decades. One guy was trying to measure scientifically and objectively some sort of evidence that the cycles are real. He pretty much failed. Still, the theory provides a basic rhythm of major upheavals happening once a generation. At times John claims to be the last advocate around of the basic patten Strauss and Howe observed. But what he doesn’t seem to see is that the conservative faction striving to maintain the status quo generally loses to a progressive faction trying to solve the greatest problems of the culture.

From my perspective The Fourth Turning shows how American values and culture advance, adjust to the shifting environment that America finds itself in. Say, if you are an advocate of kings, slaveholding, and expansionist dictators, you are un-American. Conservative believers in the status quo tend to be unable to see the need to adapt, grow and change. Thus, they tend to reject the core beliefs of S&H.

Christian European Heritage? Celebrating one’s past is fine, but that heritage is roughly equal to African, Latino or Native American heritage. Conservatives often attempt tribal thinking, exalting one heritage or set of values over others. Last crisis it was Hitler’s advocating his Aryan supermen over Slavs, Jews and most everyone else. This time around, the tribal thinking is less intense. The basic difference is between thinking the Aryan supermen are superior and should somehow dominate and the idea that all are equal.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: We Are In A "FOURTH TURNING," What Does That Mean?

Post by Tom Mazanec »

My understanding is that Strauss was the major force behind the theory. Unfortunately he is dead now and all we have is Howe (and now John, of course).
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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