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by aeden
Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:14 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

China does not do full frontal confrontations since yes they are rather smart, they play the long game and defeat you from the inside out.
American industry has been hollowed out and swamp is compromised at worst past complicit at best.

There are no good outcomes going forward but the course we took for local.

Go ahead get a few thousand hectacres in Chinlandia tell us all about it Komrad.

We lost you provincial retards at orphan shell company's and stock warrants. The Feds agreed then to Covenant contracts.
Wake the Hell up.

Contracts will matter if the Senate has any resolve in it to balance of trade and Contractual sanity.
Breach of Trust is the cost of trust.

FBI has arrested two U.S. residents for operating a Chinese “secret police station” in New York,
and prosecutors have charged nearly three dozen more people for running an online troll farm. understanding of the past... unable to even be useful idiots...

Urban proletariat is no accident to your chains being forged and coopted by fools.

Deliberate and obvious propaganda.

How is this necessary and natural when it's regular folks who get shafted every single time. Uniparty is a disease.

Hundreds of empty Bud Light cans were scattered around their lair.

And thus it now makes sense why Nahum would ask “where is the lion's den.“
thread: inbev
Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:55 am Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Wake up you damned halfwits.

Inputs. ... profession
Economists and international political analysts should be read on kept on a short leash and understood.

Taxpayers see no win win with this current ruse to back-alley contracts deceivers.
by aeden
Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:02 pm
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

A fully paid lending status report for your xxxxxxx Securities account is now available.
To log on and view it, just click the link below.
View Status Report.

Missing balance sheet collateral sweeps from the initial query to liquidity reports as we noted from the previous operations.
Basically its a ping to blow out wayward shorts on direct cash flow operations some may contend.
Yes civilizations die as soon as they are born. You are watching alleged free markets as vertical integrations work against you the fair market.
How many times do they tell you competition is a fiat sin.
You are up against pure evil so read Job again plus the World as in ninety percent and then Yourself.
We will trade above the margin and as we seen last time when the parasite non producers retards went full retard
with a simple comment we will bake our own bread.
As you seen real time the utter fools went into a frenzy of spittle projection of growing's demshevik regulatory insanity's.
Since then Citys burn and Unix remote operation welded them to our grain colony.
Yea we seen it coming buttercup.
Both the red and blue know this.

In an amusing twist, whereas once upon a time banks would flood into the Fed's repo facility at quarter end to window dress their balance sheet, now it is an all out scramble to just get rid of excess liquidity which the Fed continues to inject at a pace of $120 billion.
But while today's print is likely an outlier due to quarter end, we expect the new normal reverse repo usage to rise above $1 trillion shortly for the very reason Zoltan Pozsar explained last week: with the banks repurchasing well over $100 billion in stock, their CET1 balance sheet capacity is about to collapse by over $2 trillion due to the 20x leverage. As a reminder this is what we said: ... imagine what will happen to the RRP facility if banks indeed proceed to repurchase $142BN in stock; applying Pozsar's 20x leverage multiple, this means that bank balance sheets will shrink by just under $3 trillion, including trillions in reserves which will have to be parked at the Fed, which also means that in the coming weeks usage on the Fed's reserve facility is set to explode to unprecedented levels. tyler

thread; amos, inbev, gosplan, Valerian Kuybyshev
by aeden
Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:40 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

CCP might hate the USD but regard Bitcoin as enemy #1.
Anything that undermines CCP control over the Chinese will never be tolerated.
I do not have a dog in this no intrinsic value issue.
As we seen real time He got the Hell out of Argentina before the spillover of that region.

Argentina is set to lose $2.26 billion in export revenue due to the effects of drought on the country's 2020/21 soybean crop,
the Rosario grains exchange said on Friday.

other zone ping ... al_new.png

as for the fish chart we disagree ... k=R6ew_ZiM
U.S. has descended into cargo-cult Keynesianism.

As an upper-class Englishman, Keynes had little grasp of the concept that human beings will use any excuse to act badly, even if it's an abstruse economic theory. (The Keynes dictum that our current predicament is derived from,
by the way, goes like this: "run surpluses in good times so that you can run deficits in bad times."
Nobody but nobody ever pays attention to the first phrase. With modern "Keynesians," it's all deficits, all the time.) dunn

Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:55 am viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2&p=38978&hilit=inbev#p38978
As we rather noted grain colony. The Senate made a deal with the mic red suits.
Nope as fair trade will be strangled with this free market cup of the current whores.
As the left Sodom and right Gomorrah coast burn I thank God for the gentle rain today
in His mercy alone ..
thread: amos, bib bish, taproot
by aeden
Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:47 pm
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

As it was said the level of prog stupidity has reached a point no one ever thought possible.
The next severe attacks and rampant Human stupidity's will increase and be salt water transit and then
fresh water zones written before both of us existed. The course of action was illustrated as one third
from the Judgements. The other side of that was decide what the scorpions and locusts are in that zone as such of thirds.
They are the anti of all that is good breaking the covenants on levels ignored.
As we are now in our zone we are hanging by a thread and good for now as corn was in places that as we say isn't been in for
before for some times. We take the wait and see not to be callous but measure the amount of severe propaganda infection.
We have increased actual provision as you know in our zone issues seen coming as cycle 25 from out soil needs not wants.
We can cure ignorance's but not the deep trail of imposed social stupidity's. As we teach ours they marched them to death and She escaped in Gods mercy alone in faith and suffering. I look at my Grandchild and thank them. We disbanded the meeting three days ago and talked tonight
since we wanted to attain time to condition of our meeting and the special election in Arizona.
I commented the facts are today if you voted red your a stiff arm. A moment of silence told me all that was needed.
He added they are unable to think on just two issues i.e border and the inflations query's.
He was stunned they stopped natural gas on land and I just conveyed we know what they are. This was from the InBev discussions
we have had here and the we will have to wait a very long time on Senate meaning from the 1989 notation on relegated affairs.
Actually 1968 but who counting.
We can prove that point with the chariot note here. Do not fight the tape and the one who actually told us what is and will be done above
Has sealed them in our view.
I find it instructive all they could come with recently in NPR lunatics' think tank that marsha marsha marsha is to enamored in
getting over on anything than getting by. Fascinating subsidized half wits to lazy to even bark at a caravan.
by aeden
Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:31 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

This illness named democrats have assured instability in the name progress as the script nobility
remove what's not already destroyed. Over 70 percent as it has been noted is simply gone.
As we watch this simply as before they took their lively hood under the banner of education as they
bought the land at distressed prices. As we said and know first hand you could not survive with 400 acres
and we watched the 4000 acres farmer turned into debt slaves. The 40000 acres outfits rarely
survived price hits a decade after the adaptation of the currency.
We watched these bankruptcy proceedings carefully and as warned, adapt.

The only reason we survived was our customers Family's from 8 to 80 after we had been wiped clean from a
devastating Tornado pulled every nail and stacked the massive debris in order.
We survived and provide select customer only. We also went black into the seen sign of the times.
The disinflation cycle will be carefully watched as we know they are a rather evil demented lot. ... et-palaces
thread: Scrip Nobility, inbev
by aeden
Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:14 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

gop is finished forever
its dead jim
ignoring tech was fatal
like ibm punchcard fatal

Washington Post depicts Republican collaborators as rats: Nazi-style propaganda

“Today s Washington Post depiction of Republicans as rats was reprehensible,”

no shit sherlock
Biggs (R-AZ)

They own you.
You will do nothing.
Papers please.

Telnaes a short time ago drew a Christmas-themed cartoon where Senator Ted Cruz s five and seven year-old daughters were portrayed as monkeys on a leash while Cruz himself is portrayed wearing a Santa Claus suit holding a crank music box to which the girls leashes are attached.

Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925) The early 1920s found social patterns in chaos.
Traditionalists, the older Victorians, worried that everything valuable was ending.

As it was conveyed the idiots have not been around long enough to have been a civilization.
Welcome and worship your new overlords gop.

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2&p=40052&hilit=inbev#p40052 Vote stupid vote demsheviks offshore poa for xiden 47

get your poa they are and will simply loot you to digital slavery
triplet strategy of stupidity

Once again act dazed, confused and shocked at how this could happen.
You half wits still think it was and is civil war.
Solzhenitsyn was right about you. ... 0671747237
by aeden
Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:03 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

After the election a protest movement rose up called KOD- the Committee for Defense of Democracy (Komitet Obrony Demokracji). It claimed to be non-partisan and apolitical and was headed by a far left social activist in the Obama-community-agitator-mold named Mateusz Kijowski. In a fitting example of symbolism, this political activist and social organizer was (and still is) in well documented arrears on his child support.

KOD was started in November and Polish mainstream media outlets (many of which are led by personal friends of the main figures from the last government as well as being recipients of public treasury largesse from their friends in this government- often unconstitutionally so), lined up behind it from the beginning as they drastically inflated the numbers of its early protest turnouts while simultaneously downplaying turnout at the counter rallies in support of the freshly elected government. trymand ... and-poland

If you missed the color of the message the ngo are not going to just go away.
Between the wrong kind of paper and algo manips with after midnight additions intent was always clear.

During the 4T one cannot save everything unless you are lucky, therefore people generally choose to preserve what they like and sacrifice what they don't like. Xers and Millies will never embrace the culture being advocated by the traditional evangelicals. Therefore that aspect of American culture is guaranteed not to survive the 4T. ch

Neither are you.

Here's Alan Grayson on what "free trade" has done to America (my paragraphing):

Trade is a simple concept. You sell me yours, and I’ll sell you mine. That’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is that day after day, month after month, and year after year, Americans are buying goods and services manufactured by foreigners, and those foreigners are not buying goods and services manufactured by Americans.
We are creating millions — no — tens of millions of jobs in other countries with our purchasing power, and we are losing tens of millions of jobs in our country, because foreigners are not buying our goods and services.
What are they doing? They’re buying our assets. So we lose twice. We lose the jobs, and we are driven deeper and deeper into national debt – and, ultimately, national bankruptcy. That is the end game.
This is not free trade; it’s fake trade. We have fake trade. That’s why before NAFTA was enacted and went into effect, this country never had a trade deficit as much as $140 billion a year, while every single year since then — for 20 years now — we have had a trade deficit of over $140 billion a year. We have had [an average annual] trade deficit of half a trillion dollars now, for the past 14 years.

Thanks to fake trade, right now, 1/7th of all the assets in this country — every business, every plot of land, every car – 1/7th of all the assets in the country are now owned by foreigners. And ultimately, if we keep going the way we’re going, they all will be.
That’s why we have the most unequal distribution of income [among all industrial nations] in our country, [and] the most unequal distribution of wealth in our history. We’re in a deep, deep hole. And there’s a simple rule about holes: When you’re in a hole, stop digging. Stop digging!
For a family or a nation, putting your assets for sale is the opposite of earning money. It's literally the road to financial ruin.

We cannot accuse you of ignorance, just old fashioned stupidity.

Martinov, Alexander (1865-1935)
Right-wing Menshevik before 1917 and for a few years after the revolution an opponent of the Soviet government. Strong advocate of the two stage theory: that fully capitalistic government needed to run its course in Russia before Socialism was possible. He joined the Communist Party in 1923, and became an opponent of the Left Opposition. He was a chief architect of the Stalinist theories used to justify subordinating the workers to the "progressive" bourgeoisie, including the concept of the "bloc of four classes."
New Democracy, or the New Democratic Revolution, is a concept incorrectly based on Mao Zedong's adapted as the Bloc of Four Social Classes theory in post-revolutionary China which argued originally that democracy in China would take a decisively distinct path to that in any other country.
Adapted as the Bloc of Four Social Classes theory in post-revolutionary.

Fair trade rhetoric.

No it was decided to punish the innocent.
Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:55 am
thread: inbev

review for the prog short bus

The "Food Shock" as 26% of global grain exports are already under near lock down,
and the world is scrambling to stay fed. The media is downplaying losses and hiding this.
Get your damn House in order and plant locally to give elsewhere.

Grow up.
by aeden
Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:19 am
Forum: Finance and Investments
Topic: Financial topics
Replies: 29822
Views: 15459972

Re: Financial topics

There is no single US agenda, only a dual citizen agenda which does not put America first.
It would be redundant to list the cross boundary arbiter agendas.
The Keynesian veil is still the quest for Bancour.
As we can see the agency issues are circling the wagons as TBTF continue to shed all margin of safety
you would consider risk management and we would convey as socialism for the them and capitalism for you only
to pay. ... sf=msgonly brexit ... bev#p40052 operation 936

Sophisms of Free-Trade and Popular Political Economy Examined; American edition published 1872, by Henry Carey Baird. UK first edition 1849.
Nothing changes; the masses remain as naive as ever.

As we seen with AOC point blank the Handlers are in control. ... aoc#p47916

I will talk to Julie to see when She plans on going back home to check on Family.
Just a regular Gal and insight on the LITC issues and talent pool drain.
Armed escort when was last there by Family.