Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: A China Threat?

by Bob Butler » Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:48 pm

FullMoon wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:34 pm
That's what a lot of people think. But I pay particular attention to this because I have some first hand understanding and because it's considered now by many as the top of the list of major concerns. Except of course the fact that Russia will start using tactical nukes on military installations in Europe. That's getting close to top of the list. The CCP thinks that they have a viable plan of action. And they're moving forward with implementing it. Because it's risky and dangerous is the reason that they're hesitating. But I'll reiterate again the fact that military might is only part of the equation and they're leveraging to the hilt all other areas of their strength.
If the CCP is under serious threat of losing power in China, they may play a nationalist card and start something. I don't think it will be against Taiwan. They will have trouble against the US Navy and near certain to lose the access to the oil. Other powers such as Japan, Australia, the Philippines would like join in. Still, if after Covid makes it more necessary for foreign powers to keep necessary manufacturing at home, other asian countries can provide cheaper labor than China, and too highly prioritizing building housing, cities and water infrastructure, non nationalistic factors could put the CCP at threat. Then selecting a war they could win might happen. Again, I doubt. they would choose to fight the US Navy.

If it were me, I would go north. Russia is already on the edge and Siberia needs population. That seems unlikely though.

Re: A China Threat?

by FullMoon » Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:34 pm

Bob Butler wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:48 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:30 am
Is the nihilistic death wish a part of human DNA and do the Chinese have any particular expertise at absolutely ruining civilization? I might be cynical but it does appear that they're not satisfied with merely ruining themselves this time but rather would like to take the whole world down with them. Take COVID 19 as preview. They're preparing currently for global nuclear war in the hopes that they'll somehow be better off by doing so. Insanity is too light of a word for this.
I am a bit dubious. They do have a habit of using intimidating words against everyone, particularly their neighbors. Still, they need oil. They would lose it if they opened hostilities. Thus, they have not. With the trouble with their new carrier, they are not getting closer to being a threat.
That's what a lot of people think. But I pay particular attention to this because I have some first hand understanding and because it's considered now by many as the top of the list of major concerns. Except of course the fact that Russia will start using tactical nukes on military installations in Europe. That's getting close to top of the list. The CCP thinks that they have a viable plan of action. And they're moving forward with implementing it. Because it's risky and dangerous is the reason that they're hesitating. But I'll reiterate again the fact that military might is only part of the equation and they're leveraging to the hilt all other areas of their strength.

A China Threat?

by Bob Butler » Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:48 pm

FullMoon wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:30 am
Is the nihilistic death wish a part of human DNA and do the Chinese have any particular expertise at absolutely ruining civilization? I might be cynical but it does appear that they're not satisfied with merely ruining themselves this time but rather would like to take the whole world down with them. Take COVID 19 as preview. They're preparing currently for global nuclear war in the hopes that they'll somehow be better off by doing so. Insanity is too light of a word for this.
I am a bit dubious. They do have a habit of using intimidating words against everyone, particularly their neighbors. Still, they need oil. They would lose it if they opened hostilities. Thus, they have not. With the trouble with their new carrier, they are not getting closer to being a threat.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by FullMoon » Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:30 am

Guest wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:26 am
FullMoon wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:11 am
We may be reaching the point of China’s nearest approach to US economic power, and the distance may grow quite rapidly again once that point is reached. That may mean for example that whereas there had until recently been a working assumption that China’s growing military might would mean its eventual absorption of Taiwan was only a matter of time, the window of opportunity may rapidly be closing. If China does not take Taiwan soon, its power relative to the US’ may start to decline so rapidly that seizing Taiwan quickly becomes implausible. Xi Jinping may soon face a now-or-never moment.
Since even I have already said as much recently... It's getting pretty obvious. We have to assume that since they're the backers of Russia, Iran and N. Korea that we'll see action in those areas around the same time. But we already are seeing it. China is just trying to time it correctly. But time is running out. There's all kinds of horrific scenarios we could imagine. John seemed pretty convinced that this world war would be more destructive than the last. Taking WW2 as a baseline... We can assume a major life readjustment will be coming for us all. Read Navigator's book everyone and get ready.
Whatever success the mainland Chinese have, they will screw up eventually (and usually very quickly). The CCP is just anothe rexample of it. The Chinese do best when fragmented (like Taiwan and Hong Kong, or the Chinese diaspora). China is best broken up along ethnic lines. Free the people and let them go their own ways. At this rate, the CCP will destroy the entire planet trying to hang on to the country.

I read John's book on China and he pointed this out years ago. the Chinese don't seem to learn for their mistakes. (Okay, this is an oversimplification of what John said, but the gist of it stands.)
I agree with that.
Is the nihilistic death wish a part of human DNA and do the Chinese have any particular expertise at absolutely ruining civilization? I might be cynical but it does appear that they're not satisfied with merely ruining themselves this time but rather would like to take the whole world down with them. Take COVID 19 as preview. They're preparing currently for global nuclear war in the hopes that they'll somehow be better off by doing so. Insanity is too light of a word for this.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Higgenbotham » Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:24 am

Would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump was President? | Dennis Prager

From the transcript:
0:38 I asked one of
the leading historians in the United
States Neil Ferguson who was I believe a
Brit he was uh he taught at Harvard for
a number of years and now he's at the
Hoover institution at Stanford so I had
him on my radio show
and I it it's usually know what people I
interview will answer I usually know
where they're coming from but I want to
hear their explanation so I asked them a
question but I honestly had no idea what
he would answer when I asked him and
this was a few months after the Russian
invasion of Ukraine do you think that if
Donald Trump were President Putin would
have invaded Ukraine
and I'm not sure he had time to inhale
he just said no

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:26 am

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:11 am
We may be reaching the point of China’s nearest approach to US economic power, and the distance may grow quite rapidly again once that point is reached. That may mean for example that whereas there had until recently been a working assumption that China’s growing military might would mean its eventual absorption of Taiwan was only a matter of time, the window of opportunity may rapidly be closing. If China does not take Taiwan soon, its power relative to the US’ may start to decline so rapidly that seizing Taiwan quickly becomes implausible. Xi Jinping may soon face a now-or-never moment.
Since even I have already said as much recently... It's getting pretty obvious. We have to assume that since they're the backers of Russia, Iran and N. Korea that we'll see action in those areas around the same time. But we already are seeing it. China is just trying to time it correctly. But time is running out. There's all kinds of horrific scenarios we could imagine. John seemed pretty convinced that this world war would be more destructive than the last. Taking WW2 as a baseline... We can assume a major life readjustment will be coming for us all. Read Navigator's book everyone and get ready.
Whatever success the mainland Chinese have, they will screw up eventually (and usually very quickly). The CCP is just anothe rexample of it. The Chinese do best when fragmented (like Taiwan and Hong Kong, or the Chinese diaspora). China is best broken up along ethnic lines. Free the people and let them go their own ways. At this rate, the CCP will destroy the entire planet trying to hang on to the country.

I read John's book on China and he pointed this out years ago. the Chinese don't seem to learn for their mistakes. (Okay, this is an oversimplification of what John said, but the gist of it stands.)

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:26 pm

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens
See, some people do benefit from open borders.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by FullMoon » Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:42 pm

Guest wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:00 am
“Excess mortality has remained high in the Western world for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines.

This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns."

Source: British Medical Journal
Thia and the current Fauci parade. This was noted as the eventual outcome here at the time by some less willing to accept official dogma. But undermining faith in authority before needing the consent of the people in war is perhaps not a good idea. We need people to quickly coalesce as John has talked about many times.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by FullMoon » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:11 am

We may be reaching the point of China’s nearest approach to US economic power, and the distance may grow quite rapidly again once that point is reached. That may mean for example that whereas there had until recently been a working assumption that China’s growing military might would mean its eventual absorption of Taiwan was only a matter of time, the window of opportunity may rapidly be closing. If China does not take Taiwan soon, its power relative to the US’ may start to decline so rapidly that seizing Taiwan quickly becomes implausible. Xi Jinping may soon face a now-or-never moment.
Since even I have already said as much recently... It's getting pretty obvious. We have to assume that since they're the backers of Russia, Iran and N. Korea that we'll see action in those areas around the same time. But we already are seeing it. China is just trying to time it correctly. But time is running out. There's all kinds of horrific scenarios we could imagine. John seemed pretty convinced that this world war would be more destructive than the last. Taking WW2 as a baseline... We can assume a major life readjustment will be coming for us all. Read Navigator's book everyone and get ready.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by DT Subscriber » Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:26 am

Navigator wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 12:45 am
I am not a prophet, but can only guess by probabilities.

The political discord in both Taiwan and US make it increasingly likely. Any significant economic event could tip the scales. But we are getting closer and closer. October and April seem to be the best months for weather concerns. ... usa-power/
China’s window of opportunity to take Taiwan will close soon
Xi Jinping will soon face his now or never moment
Not so long ago there was a widespread assumption that China’s economy surpassing that of the US to become the world’s largest was both inevitable and imminent. This was expected to be a major historical event, heralding a shift in geopolitical power to the East. This was not the first time in recent decades that an East Asian economic surpassing of the US had been expected. In the 1970s and early 1980s there was much talk of how Japan’s economy would become the world’s largest, and many a sci-fi movie of the era imagined Japanese economic and cultural dominance in the future.

Yet of course that never happened. Is the case of China different? It increasingly appears not. Or at least, if China’s economy does have a period as the largest, that increasingly seems likely to be very short-lived.

There are a number of reasons why. Partly there is a natural rhythm to economic catch-up for countries that begin quite poor (as China did, and Japan before it). An initial generation or two may be willing to work long hours for relatively modest pay by international standards, because even those levels of remuneration seem fantastically high to workers whose parents lived at subsistence levels off the land. This means that the fruits of economic growth can be used largely for investment, because even modest enhancements in consumption feel like riches beyond imagining. But at some point, as wealth increases, the expectations of younger citizens change and they demand more resources being devoted to consumption and more of their time being spent in leisure. Also, rapid economic development leads to developmental dead-ends and errors, with infrastructure built that is never used, borrowing mistakes that create debt overhangs, and even sometimes corruption and criminal gangs as new wealth creates opportunities.

Another consequence of economic development will become especially acute for China: a reduced birth rate. As well as the normal pattern of more educated and wealthier women achieving more reproduction control, China had more specific measures to attempt to limit its birth rate in its rapid population expansion phase, including the notorious “one child policy”. Its population has already peaked at about 1.4 billion, is now falling and projected to fall to around 1.2 billion over the next thirty years, and then crash to 600 million by 2100.

The US population, by contrast, is expected to continue to grow, from about 340 million now to over 380 million in 30 years’ time, dropping only slightly to about 370 million by 2100. To make up for that difference in population growth, China’s GDP per capita would need to grow nearly 1 per cent per annum faster than the US’s for the next 30 years and nearly 1.5 percent faster than the US’ from then until 2100.

This may be possible in the short term. Although China’s international trade position suffered significantly in the aftermath of Covid (with the gap between its GDP and the US’ widening from about $5 trillion in 2021 to around $10 trillion in 2023), it appears to be benefitting from some fairly shrewd economic repositioning with respect to the Russo-Ukraine War. Projections last year from economic forecasters CEBR had China managing about 1 percent faster GDP per capita growth than the US for some time, allowing it to briefly overtake the US economy by the late 2030s, though the US re-overtakes within a couple of decades as the demographic effects kick in.

Those projections, however, assume US GDP per capita only grows at its recent rate of about 1 percent per annum. That could be too pessimistic, given the effects on productivity growth we are already seeing from AI and the stream of other new technologies (eg green tech, driverless cars, lab-grown meat, cancer vaccines) that appear on the cusp of widespread adoption. If there is only slightly faster US growth, China never overtakes.

As well as the economic implications, these trends may also have geopolitical consequences. We may be reaching the point of China’s nearest approach to US economic power, and the distance may grow quite rapidly again once that point is reached. That may mean for example that whereas there had until recently been a working assumption that China’s growing military might would mean its eventual absorption of Taiwan was only a matter of time, the window of opportunity may rapidly be closing. If China does not take Taiwan soon, its power relative to the US’ may start to decline so rapidly that seizing Taiwan quickly becomes implausible. Xi Jinping may soon face a now-or-never moment.
