25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

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Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by Guest » Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:30 am

The Germans are a defeated and spiritually broken people. The Germans are fading fast. By choice. The Germans will not fight back.

What is unfair is that the Huns have decided to drag Europe down with them. Europe will not survive this. It's already too late.

Merkel is childless. She is transcendent. When she dies, she will leave no one behind. She couldn't care less about what happens in the coming years. Isn't that obvious to everyone?

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by DaKardii » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:33 pm

John wrote:25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

Angela Merkel scores weak win in German national elections

** 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170925

Angela Merkel scores weak win in German national elections
Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

Generational Dynamics, Germany, Angela Merkel,
Christian Democratic Union, CDU/SDU, Greece,
AfD, Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany,
Die Grüne, Greens, Free Democratic Party, FDP, Die Linke,
United Kingdom, Brexit, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Mexico,
Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Holocaust
The possibility of Germany going Nazi again is actually much more real than most people realize. Currently, there is growing anti-German sentiment across Europe (especially Eastern Europe) due to Angela Merkel's perceived role in the migrant crisis. Poland's semi-nationalistic government is starting to state that Germany is entirely to blame for the migrant crisis, and even going as far as implying that it should be punished for it. This brings back echoes of 1918-19, when Germany was given sole blame for WWI and had harsh terms imposed on it at Versailles. This in the end would be one of the three main catalysts (along with the Great Depression and the rise of Communism) that made Hitler's rise to power possible.

So now the question is, would we see history repeat if Germany once again has harsh terms imposed on it, this time due to the migrant crisis? And if so, what role, if any, would this play in the CoC war? I actually believe that should Germany turn hard nationalist over a perceived national humiliation, we may see two World Wars this century instead of one. Perhaps World War IV would be, in a way, a continuation of the CoC War, much like how World War II was, in a way, a continuation of World War I.

One more thing. During World War II, the Nazis were very pro-Islam. Hitler sought to recruit Muslims into the SS divisions operating in the Balkans, and worked with Muslim leaders in the Middle East to provoke anti-Allied uprisings in the region. He also admired Islam as a religion, stating that it was superior to Christianity due to its emphasis on "holy warfare," and even going as far as cursing Charles Martel for his victory at Poitiers.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by Coordinated fires » Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:02 pm

John wrote:My article just got posted on Breitbart.

http://www.breitbart.com/national-secur ... arm-bells/

As the old saying goes, fasten your (my) seatbelts.
I think we're going to have to come up with a word that doesn't have so much political baggage.

May I point out the definition offered in the first element of the Clausewitzian trinity; "primordial violence, hatred, and enmity". According to Clausewitz the greater the level of primordial violence, hatred and enmity in the hearts of the citizens of the combatant nations, the greater the chance that conflict will drift toward "absolute war", that is pure, unconstrained violence, unchecked by reason or political policy. I'm paraphrasing of course but I do believe this captures the spirit of what you are trying to convey.

I know people shouldn't get so bent out of shape over words, but one thing I've learned is, they do. Just a suggestion, let me know what you think. I'm reading Vom Kriege for the first time (so with fresh eyes haha) and I see quite a lot of material that is consistent with what I understand of GD theory.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by John » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:52 pm

My article just got posted on Breitbart.

http://www.breitbart.com/national-secur ... arm-bells/

As the old saying goes, fasten your (my) seatbelts.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by John » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:31 pm

Mr Right wrote: > If "another Holocaust" was to occur against it would certainty be
> committed by the moslems.
The Nazi Holocaust was perpetrated by the government, not by
individuals. A "Holocaust" in Germany by Muslims is literally
impossible. If there's another "Holocaust," then it will be
by Germany's government.

You're a moron.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by zzazz » Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:11 pm

There has certainly been each a Palestinian and an Iraqi holocaust.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by Mr Right » Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:49 pm

John, this has to be one of the stupidest and most ignorant things I have ever read. The "analysis" is so wrong I don't even know where to begin. But let us start here, "Germany could witness widespread racist hate crimes, as in the 1930s. However, for what it's worth, we don't yet know whether this will be directed at Jews, as it was in the 1930s" Now only an idiot would think that ordinary Germans, that is German speaking Europeans, are on the verge to commit 1930's style violence against Jews. The Protestants and Leftists in Germany that committed the Holocaust had been groomed in anti-Semitic hate. It was ubiquitous during the post-WWI era leading up to the Holocaust. Their grandchildren, the voters in the past election, don't have anywhere near the same anti-Semitic attitudes that were prevalent in the 1930's. They are not going to wake up one day and say "Hey I really hate Jewish people all of a sudden. Let me call my AFD voting friends Hans and Karl so we can go commit genocide!" However there is a group in Germany, and elsewhere, that is committing widespread racist hate crimes...the Moslems. They are the ones the Jews should be worried about because they harbor an even bigger hatred toward Jews than any ordinary German had in the 1930's. Anti-Jewish sentiment in ingrained into the moslem mind in the mosques and madrassas, it is religiously sanctioned by the prayers they are required to pray five times a day, along with hatred for all infidels. That is why in an country that they enter, moslems commit racist hate crimes against non-moslems. It is a pretty safe bet that most of the 681 anti-Semitic crimes reported to police so far have been committed by moslems and the number will only increase as their population will increase. Very few, if any of the 681 crimes where committed by AFD voters. If "another Holocaust" was to occur against it would certainty be committed by the moslems. But they would not limit their genocide to Jews, they would include all infidels, non-moslems. Indeed most "migrants" are quite open about their intentions for the conquest of Europe and the fate that awaits the infidels there. Indeed that is the reason why virtually every active conflict in the world today involves moslems. Every area they "migrate" to is immediately flowed by conflict and this pattern is repeated in country after country.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by Coordinated fires » Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:45 pm

Oh for sure. I don't have strong feelings for or against them to be honest. Not very familiar with their platform. I would tend to agree with you though, I do get a bit nervous when the Germans start getting a bit too, er...German. Lol

Last time they did, my grandfather came back to Canada with a few good splinters of German shrapnel he picked up, courtesy of the 12th SS and his father came back years earlier after spending some very lovely time in Belgium . So it tends to not end well for my folk haha.

Good news for me is he brought back my grandmother as a souvenir also who was his nurse in Chichester. True story, no shit.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by John » Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:30 pm

Coordinated fires wrote: > One could forgive us for assuming you're referring to the current
> pop culture definition of xenophobia which translates roughly to "
> straight white males are evil" lol. That seeems to be the
> operative definition at my university anyway. However I've learned
> that is not you, and in the context of GD the original reasonable
> definition applies. I remember getting in so many arguments with
> you over this when I was a new reader. I think the word itself has
> just been politicized, at least in the west anyway.

> One of the reasons there's so much conflict in the ME must be
> because in many Muslim nations the target seems to be yazidis,
> Kurds, Christians, Druze, atheists, animists, apostates, gays,
> Shias/Sunnis, Hutis, sub Saharan blacks, bhudists, confusists,
> Americans, Europeans, Russians, Berbers, Jews, and women showing
> too much ankle. ... :twisted:

> As for AFD. Wasn't NATO designed to keep the Americans in, the
> Russians out, and the Germans down? Right now it seems unclear if
> it can conitinue doing any of these things.
We have to be looking at what's happening in the world in terms of
continuing trends, not just today's political issue. Whether or not
you're in favor of what AfD is saying today, you have to look at the
trend line, and ask what AfD will be saying in the future, and judge
the consequences of that.

Re: 25-Sep-17 World View -- Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells

by Coordinated fires » Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:48 am

One could forgive us for assuming you're referring to the current pop culture definition of xenophobia which translates roughly to " straight white males are evil" lol. That seeems to be the operative definition at my university anyway. However I've learned that is not you, and in the context of GD the original reasonable definition applies. I remember getting in so many arguments with you over this when I was a new reader. I think the word itself has just been politicized, at least in the west anyway.

One of the reasons there's so much conflict in the ME must be because in many Muslim nations the target seems to be yazidis, Kurds, Christians, Druze, atheists, animists, apostates, gays, Shias/Sunnis, Hutis, sub Saharan blacks, bhudists, confusists, Americans, Europeans, Russians, Berbers, Jews, and women showing too much ankle. ... :twisted:

As for AFD. Wasn't NATO designed to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down? Right now it seems unclear if it can conitinue doing any of these things.
